Postdoctoral Scholarships Positions at Energy Biosciences Institute, California

Postdoctoral Scholarships Positions at Energy Biosciences Institute, California

Postdoctoral Scholarships in Design of Multi-Use Biofuel Feedstock Production Landscapes Energy Biosciences Institute, California

Study Subject: Design of Multi-Use Biofuel Feedstock Production Landscapes
Employer: University of California
Level: PhD

Scholarship Description: The University of California, Berkeley, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar – Employee position starting April-June 2011 in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The candidate will work with Dr. Matthew D. Potts on a project to develop a management tool for multi-use Miscanthus feedstock production landscapes.

Successful applicants will be expected to integrate ongoing EBI research with existing ecological and economic theory, models and data to: (i) develop spatiotemporal production functions for biodiversity and ecosystem services in potential areas of Miscanthus expansion; and (ii) create a spatially dynamic modeling tool that will allow for the determination of the optimal spatiotemporal management strategies for a variety of objective functions and social, environmental and economic constraints.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 4 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application


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